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A Hat Raises You to New Heights

August 1, 2011

I’m sure when Eve put a wreath of flowers in her hair and looked into the stillness of the water at her reflection  her mind awoke to the possibilities of personal adornment  – was this the genus’s of the headdress ?

As early as 4000 B.C., a Neolithic artist from the Sahara Desert created an enchanting cave drawing of women wearing elaborate turbans as they raced alongside longhorn cattle. So, evidently, there were hats before people wrote down historical events.

In the 21st century woman who love to play with fantasy are naturally disposed to hats.  A hat makes you feel marvelous – you can throw away your anti depressants a hat will boosts your morale like nothing else – never underestimate the power of a hat. A hat is an accessory that completes everything not just the face.

There have been hats that have helped kings and queens win kingdoms, that helped presidents get elected and prime ministers to loose elections. There are hats that have bought down rivals in every sphere of life that have launched race horses, battleships, and cruise liners and enhanced or damaged the reputation of Princesses and Governor Generals.

In my bedroom I am almost submerged in a sea of hats. Hats tumble out of  tissued boxes  feathered hats, shady hats, veiled hats, expensive hats, couture hats, cheap hats, hats with nondescript names, hand made hats and manufactured hats. Hats made of beautiful embroidered fabrics and straws hover like a stream of pretty butterflies on my wooden hat blocks.

Each hat in my collection has its own personality There are lovely hats, silly hats, provocative hats, wicked hats, sentimental hats, sensational hats and important hats. Hats that have broken hearts and hats that won hearts. There are hats with dignity and others with wit and some that are just surreal.  There is a story behind each hat

A hat is very personal –  it can be as descriptive of character and mood as a diary. I remember hats far more than outfits. A hat is an accessory where you can really express yourself

The face is the first thing one looks at and the hat is nearest piece of apparel. The hat depicts a mood, gay, or quiet, flamboyant, witty challenging, provocative or demure.  Hair is important, collars are important but it your expression that’s most important – if you feel in the mood of the hat, then the hat will suit you. –

Heads are as different as hearts –  there is a real  knack for putting on a hat.  Certain heads suit the hat firmly on the side, others are put on from the front and turned as they are settled back

You have to wear a hat with nonchalance It needs a craftsmen to make a good hat and an artist to complete it.  The placing of the simplest trimming needs discrimination and a sure eye.

A Hat always makes a woman charming.  A woman will always find what she’s looking for if she chooses the right hats –   courage, hope, assurance or new confidence in herself.

A hat raises you to new heights

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